Are you a new teacher that needs to learn about the College and Career Ready Standards? Are you a seasoned teacher that could use a refresher? Are you an administrator or a coach that needs to fine tune your knowledge of the ELA standards? If so, these courses are for you!
Choose from the following courses:
CCRSELA01: ELA College and Career Ready Standards Overview for K-5
Proficiency Level: Mastery
Grade(s): K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
CCRSELA02: ELA College and Career Ready Standards Overview for 6-12
Proficiency Level: Awareness
Grade(s): 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
CCRSLIT01: College and Career Ready Standards for the Content Area Overview
Proficiency Level: Mastery
Subject(s): Industrial Education, Interdisciplinary, Multicultural Education, Science, Social Studies, Technology, Computer Education, Career Tech
College and Career Ready Standards Overview for K-5 and 6-12
These courses are designed to aid K-5 and 6-12 educators in becoming familiar
with the Alabama College and Career Ready Standards for English Language Arts,
key shifts in ELA, and vertical alignment/learning
progressions. Participants will be able to plan and implement
lessons that integrate the ELA College and Career Ready Standards into their
classroom practice.
and Career Ready Standards for the Content Areas Overview
This course is designed to aid 6-12 educators in becoming familiar with the
Alabama College and Career Ready Literacy Standards for History/Social Studies;
Science and Technical Subjects. Participants will be able to plan
and implement lessons that integrate the College and Career Ready Literacy
Standards into their classroom practice.
Participants will be evaluated on the
frequency and quality of their discussion board participation as well as on the
effort on the project submissions. Participants are required to complete the
postings outlined each week. This could include posting a response to a
specific prompt and responding to the posts of others or it could include the
posting of a specific product created that week and responding to the products
created by others. Postings that respond to other participants will be
evaluated on relevance, degree to which they extend the discussion, and tone.
Course Products
Each participant will create an End of Course Project which will include
a shared lesson plan designed to integrate the ELA College and Career Ready
standards in classroom practice.
For more information contact eLearning
Fall Semester 2014 |
October 1-November 18 for 6 week courses | |
Spring Semester 2015 | |
February 4-March 24 for 6 week courses |
Summer Semester 2015 |
June 3-July 21 for 6 week courses |